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About Us

So If you haven’t read the first page, then in a simple words, we’re building low-power controllers from which you can control your devices of motor home and make you life easier. But don’t worry, we don’t offer you to install additional buttons that you have to reach for. We offer you a Computer tablet with which you can control all your devices with graphic design.

Don’t worry, the picture on the right shows just an example, this is a board that we made a long time ago and abandoned it due to high power consumption, but a similar board that replaced it, like this one, was created to power a main computer board and provide it with the Internet. Well, let’s not forget about the GPS.

Sorry for posting old photos here. Current developments are easily stolen by many craftsmen, but using these photos as an example, you can understand what we are talking about. And this photo shows a common way of craftimn PCB’s. Before modules or controllers get to you, we check them ourselves, use sufficient time to make sure that they do not have hidden bugs.

And after all these procedures, you get a high-quality, useful modilzh with the best results. And yes, we produce these modules ourselves. No third party support other than basic smd components. In the photo on the left you see the same board as on the previous three. pretty result, isn’t it? Here we have many of them and even better! And since we ourselves produce hardware, we are little dependent on other companies, and the terms for assembling the modules that we give are real.

And lastly, I want to say that we not only provide modules for lighting, temperature, heating and many others ( LOOK AT THE STORE ). We also install them. We can provide you with solar panels and much more ( PLEASE LOOK AT THE CONSTANTLY UPDATED PAGE OF OUR SERVICES ). Thank you very much for your attention. And don’t forget to check out the rest of our pages. I’m sure you’ll find a module that interests you. See you soon!