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our services

Solar Panel

And here the expanse begins. We have extensive experience in installing solar panels on homes. And so we can choose the best option for you. It is difficult for us to give you a certain price right away. For it all depends on the square of your roof, its strength and, of course, where the panels can be fixed. Well, let’s not forget about your needs and places to place your batteries. For more information follow to THIS LINK.


And again I must repeat myself. We will select the best and optional assembly just for you. Which will suit your needs and possibilities. And a small spoiler: We will select several options from which you can choose. I recommend that you choose both options for the best end result. Well, of course, to place an order, you need to FOLLOW to THIS LINK..

Charge Controller

And here for beginners the impression can be created. And what else can be in this motor home? But no, you can recharge from a regular network also. But if you already have read the rest of the previous paragraphs, this wan’t be new. But I will repeat myself. If we ourselves do not have the necessary development, then we will select the best for you and at the best price. I don’t know about you, but for many of our acquaintances, the situation with energy consumption is not an easy one, so we recommend that you take care of your four-wheeled home. For better described information, just FOLLOW THIS LINK.

Graphical Tab – Computer

And here begins the most interesting in our opinion. Have you ever wondered why it is impossible to fit all the controls in at least one device in your mobile home. Why accumulate a huge number of remotes for every heater, fan, music, video and more? So our tablet, together with our modules, replaces all this. After installing our system (of course, you can choose what exactly you need), you will be able to control everything you need. But you can also watch the movie. 🙂 All spaces of the Internet will be available to you. Well, according to our little tradition started on this page… FOLLOW THIS LINK.

Diesel Air Heater

And there is something for us to say. You may not want to pay a lot of money to a company (if you are faced with the purchase of a diesel heater, then you do not need its name) for the device itself, and for additions to it (here it is not clear to us why everything is not included in one price), then we can offer you our assembly. In theory, this is the same heater, just without a huge extra charge and with a lower warranty cost. Are we interested in you? Then FOLLOW THIS LINK.

P.S. By the way, it can also be controlled from our computer.

Water Diesel Heater

Well, of course, we will not leave you without a shower. At the moment we can offer you only the heater itself. But don’t worry, we are upgrading this device too. For those who have purchased a water heater and insurance for it, we will update the module for free. Well, for details – FOLLOW THIS LINK.

Basic Controllers

You are very interested, since you are still reading this… 🙂 Thank you.
Well, since it went like this, we finally got to the point that we mentioned more than once in the description above and other pages. Our highlight of the development is that we have a graphic controller for any device. in princepe you can even log in and control it from your mobile phone (this is in case you did not have time to recharge our computer), but on the computer everything is collected in a single management node. To see them and add on to your basket SEE OUR SHOP.

YA! YA! YA! This is a hidden text! This is realy cool what you found it. but we are not one of those freaks who will print amendments and then say “so we have it written there, you are simply not mindful!”. No, it’s just a joke that maybe someone will find, whether it’s viewing the page code, or just being attentive. I hope you enjoyed our site.